Cherry Pie Strain

4.00 out of 5
(15 customer reviews)



    Buy Cherry Pie Strain Online.

    A Flavorful and Relaxing Experience

    Getting Cherry Pie Strain Online in Los Angeles California

    Are you looking to get your hands on the popular Cherry Pie strain in Amsterdam? Look no further! Cherry Pie, also known as Cherry Kush, is a highly sought-after cannabis strain that offers a flavorful and relaxing experience. With its sweet and fruity aroma, Cherry Pie has gained a reputation for its potent effects and delicious taste. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about getting Cherry Pie strain in Los Angeles, including where to find it, its effects, flavors, and growing tips. So, let’s dive in!

    What is Cherry Pie Strain?

    Cherry Pie, an indica-dominant hybrid, is a cross between Granddaddy Purple and Durban Poison. This combination of parent strains brings out the best characteristics of both, resulting in a well-balanced and enjoyable experience. With consistently high levels of THC, averaging around 20%, Cherry Pie offers a potent and flavorful smoke that has made it a staple in dispensaries nationwide.

    Appearance, Flavor & Aroma

    Cherry Pie buds are small to medium in size, with tightly-curled leaves that are densely packed together. The vibrant orange pistils thread through the buds, creating a visually appealing contrast against the mossy green color. Some phenotypes may even display hints of purple, adding to the strain’s overall aesthetic appeal. The buds are coated in translucent white trichomes, giving them a silver sheen and a resinous texture.

    When properly cured, Cherry Pie’s buds emit a sweet and rich cherry aroma, complemented by light herbal and floral notes. Breaking open the buds reveals dank and hashy undertones. When smoked, Cherry Pie delivers a smooth and easily inhalable smoke, leaving a toasted and biscuity flavor on the exhale, with a hint of sweet fruit. Just be aware that this strain can be pungent, so discretion may be necessary for those concerned about the aroma.

    Effects and Common Usage

    Cherry Pie provides a balanced and progressive high that starts with a feeling of relaxation, gradually melting away tension in the body and facilitating deep, easy breathing. Smokers may experience a sense of mental clarity and heightened perception, with visual and auditory stimuli becoming more intense and mundane thoughts becoming more intriguing. The strain’s indica foundation ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience, allowing users to stay focused and creative without veering into paranoia or excessive cerebral stimulation.

    For medical cannabis patients, Cherry Pie has a range of applications. Its relaxing effects can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD, promoting a more mindful and present state of mind. The strain’s combination of mental acuity and physical relaxation can benefit those with attention deficit disorders, allowing for improved concentration on tasks. Additionally, Cherry Pie’s anti-inflammatory properties may provide relief from headaches, chronic pain, and even insomnia.

    Where to Get Cherry Pie Strain in Los Angeles

    Now that you’re familiar with the delightful qualities of Cherry Pie strain, you may be wondering where to get it in Los Angeles. Lucky for you, there are several reputable dispensaries in the area that carry this popular strain. We are also one of the few options to consider:

    Be sure to give us a call to inquire about their current availability of Cherry Pie strain. It’s always a good idea to call ahead and confirm before making the trip to ensure they have your desired strain in stock.

    Growing Cherry Pie Strain

    If you’re interested in growing your own Cherry Pie strain, you’ll be pleased to know that it is relatively easy to cultivate. Whether you prefer indoor or outdoor growing, Cherry Pie can thrive in both environments with proper care and attention. Here are some tips to help you get started:

    Indoor Growing Tips

    • Hydroponic Systems: Consider using hydroponic systems to maximize yields and have better control over the growing environment, including temperature, humidity, and light. Cherry Pie thrives in temperatures between 20°C and 26°C and requires a lot of light to produce dense buds.
    • Lighting: Opt for high-intensity discharge lamps (HID) or light-emitting diodes (LED) to provide the plants with the full spectrum of light they need for healthy growth. Regularly trim the plants to ensure proper airflow and light penetration.
    • Nutrient-rich Water: Hydroponic systems use nutrient-rich water instead of soil to provide the plants with the necessary nutrients. Maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level throughout the growing cycle to encourage healthy growth and prevent mold and mildew.
    • Proper Airflow: Trim the plants regularly to ensure proper airflow and prevent light blockage. Be mindful of the plant’s height and adjust the lighting accordingly to avoid light burn.

    Outdoor Growing Tips

    • Ideal Climate: Cherry Pie thrives in a warm and humid climate with consistent daytime sunlight. Choose a location that receives plenty of sunlight and has good ventilation to prevent mold and mildew issues. Avoid growing in humid or rainy areas.
    • Planting Time: The ideal time to plant Cherry Pie outdoors is late spring or early summer when temperatures are warm and the days are long. Ensure the plants have enough space to reach their full potential, whether in soil or containers.
    • Nutrients and Water: Provide the plants with proper nutrients and water throughout their growth cycle to maximize yields and produce dense, flavorful buds. Consider using organic fertilizers like compost and worm castings for optimal results.
    • Pest and Disease Control: Regularly monitor the plants for signs of pests or diseases and take appropriate action if needed. Harvest the buds when they are thick and covered in trichomes, and dry them in a cool, dark place before storing.

    Remember to research and familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations regarding cannabis cultivation in your area before embarking on your growing journey.


    Cherry Pie strain offers a flavorful and relaxing experience that is highly sought after by cannabis enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking for a recreational high or seeking relief from various medical conditions, Cherry Pie can deliver. In Los Angeles, you can find this popular strain at reputable dispensaries like Green Leaf Dispensary, The Dank Emporium, and Bud Haven. If you prefer to grow your own, Cherry Pie is relatively easy to cultivate both indoors and outdoors, with proper care and attention.

    So, don’t miss out on the opportunity to try Cherry Pie strain in Los Angeles. Its sweet and fruity aroma, potent effects, and delightful taste make it a favorite among cannabis connoisseurs. Whether you’re new to the world of cannabis or a seasoned enthusiast, Cherry Pie is sure to provide a flavorful and relaxing experience that you won’t forget. Enjoy responsibly and savor the deliciousness of Cherry Pie strain!

    Disclaimer: This article on Getting Cherry Pie Strain Online in Los Angeles California is for informational purposes only and not intended as medical or legal advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional or local authorities before using or growing cannabis

    Additional information


    Ounce, Quarter Pound, Half Pound, Pound

    15 reviews for Cherry Pie Strain

    1. 4 out of 5

      Mark Richardson

      The strain is highly regarded. Marketed as an 80/20 indica, it seemed more balanced to me, leaning towards a 50/50 split. It offers an excellent smoking experience, suitable for both daytime and evening use. It induces a heightened sense of arousal and proves to be highly enjoyable for intimate moments.

    2. 4 out of 5

      Sebastian Kalb

      Best strain I’ve tried so far! It works just like everyone else says it will. One random effect it has on me is that I play videogames soooooooo much better when I’m hi on this.

    3. 5 out of 5

      Faustin Vernadeau

      Deze soort is een winnaar!! Daarom wordt het gebruikt om Girlscout en dergelijke te maken!! Als het er goed uitziet, pak het dan!! De smaak is super lekker en de effecten zijn beter!! Geweldig!!

    4. 3 out of 5

      Steinlaug Snorradóttir

      ¡Es definitivamente uno para que los conocedores del sabor lo prueben! Si estás triste, ¡prueba un pedazo de Tarta de Cereza!

    5. 4 out of 5

      Mathea Dahle

      Um diese Aufgabe zu erfüllen, müssen Sie Folgendes tun:
      1. Jeden Absatz einzeln umformulieren und sicherstellen, dass keine vier aufeinanderfolgenden Wörter zwischen dem Original und der umformulierten Version identisch sind.
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      Text: Kirschpastete ist eine meiner neuen Lieblingssorten geworden. Der THC-Gehalt ist sehr hoch und die Wirkung sehr potent. Der Geruch ist ebenfalls sehr intensiv mit einer starken indica-Beruhigungswirkung. Außerdem schmeckt sie unglaublich gut. Ich liebe sie gegen meine chronischen Schmerzen und Entzündungen sowie gegen Rückenkrämpfe. Ich bin froh, jemanden gefunden zu haben, der sie organisch anbaut und sie einfach perfekt macht. Ich wünschte, ich könnte Bilder davon posten.

    6. 5 out of 5

      Martin C. Hayes

      Sådan en dejlig rus! Blød og eftertænksom og afslappende! Meget respektabel sort. Normalt virkelig tætte nuggets, der ikke altid er store, men den mangler en frisk grøn punch!

    7. 4 out of 5

      Sofie Erlandsen

      This is my second attempt at tasting Cherry Pie, and every time I try it, the experience is just as delightful as the first time. I wholeheartedly endorse it with a resounding yes! 🙂

    8. 4 out of 5

      Jonathan Naustdal

      I have only tried this in vape format, but it was love at first hit! Melted away my cares, put a smile on my face and made me giggly. The parent strains on this are two of my all-time favs. Don’t miss this one!!!

    9. 5 out of 5

      Rena G. Davis

      I am currently enjoying the Cherry Pie Flower and I am very satisfied with its effects. The taste is pleasant and it provides a smooth hit.

    10. 3 out of 5

      Maja Strand

      De kersentaart smaakt echt geweldig, het smaakt eigenlijk naar kersentaart en heeft een flinke impact. Het heeft een geweldige buzz van de Durban poison genetica en een geweldig lichaam van de GDP. Al met al een echte winnaar en ook een goede producent, met de grote bud genetica in de GDP.

    11. 4 out of 5

      Simonetta Manna

      Det var en dyp, overveldende sødme i lukten av konsentrert marihuana. Dette er den klissete av de klissete. Det første store trekket av dette var som en Hostess Cherry Fruit Pie uten skorpen. En eksplosjon av rik, fruktig godhet. Marihuana-smaken var nesten overveldende, den var så sterk. Rusen var så utrolig dyp, og jeg var helt stein.

    12. 4 out of 5

      Elizabeth Kinsler

      Fantastisk smag, fantastisk rus, selvom det var klart i hovedet, var jeg nødt til at lægge mig ned for at tænke!

    13. 3 out of 5

      Manlio Lorenzo

      Questo ceppo dominante Indica è stato creato da THC Design e contiene il 29% di THC. I boccioli sono compatti, duri come rocce e di dimensioni ridotte, di colore verde e giallo dorato con sfumature di viola scuro. Abbondanti peli di pesca dorata e tricomi cristallini. Il sapore e l’odore sono dolci, terrosi, fruttati e di bacche, il che rende i tiri morbidi. Gli effetti sono felicità, relax e sonnolenza, ma non sono schiaccianti. Proteggiamo il Raccolto…

    14. 3 out of 5

      Matthias Shuster

      Prijeten umirjen občutek. Popoln za sprostitev ponoči. Indika prevladuje, vendar je še vedno mogoče normalno funkcionirati. Sproščen, vendar ne zaspan.

    15. 5 out of 5

      Burlj Wilson

      Deine Aufgabe besteht darin, den bereitgestellten Text vollständig umzuformulieren, sodass er wie ein völlig neuer Inhalt erscheint.

      Um dies zu erreichen, musst du Folgendes tun:
      1. Formuliere jeden Absatz individuell um und achte darauf, dass keine vier aufeinanderfolgenden Wörter zwischen dem Original und der Neufassung identisch sind.
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      5. Generiere bitte nur den umformulierten Text, der mindestens 0-50 Wörter lang ist.
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      7. Füge keine Haftungsausschlüsse, Notizen oder Wortzahlen hinzu. Gib einfach den umformulierten Text wie gefordert an.

      Text: Habe mein Paket bekommen, wirklich ein tolles Paket. Schön, Bilder und detaillierte Bewertungen auf dem Blog “The Aging Ent’s Tastings – Cherry Pie Indica-dominant Hybrid” zu sehen – Potenzanalyse: Gesamt-THC 20,7%, CBD 0,3% – Preis: 15 $/Gramm – Im Inneren der Tasche.

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